Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

You've gotta love The Onion!


Swinebread said...

Haha hah aha hah

Dean Wormer said...

Ha! Awesome.

dguzman said...

I saw a Diebold van outside the student center on the PSU campus last night. It's a little early for them to be tampering with the voting machines there, no? We don't vote until April!

Comrade Kevin said...

No! Not McCain!

I wonder who got the other 52% of meaningless votes?

John J. said...

at least, with 48%, it will probably have to go to the floor of the House of Representatives...

BAC said...

Maybe they are giving Nader, or some other independent candidate, a significant chunk of votes. Who knows! ha