Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ellen asks Hillary the Tough Questions


Comrade Kevin said...

As a glitter activist, I find this deeply offensive to all who would use glitter, particularly children.

This is glitterist criticism and unfairly represents a bias in the media against those who would dare impose limits on glitter. :-)

What about the 13 year old who loves glitter? Will not her needs be swept away by such a draconian ban!

I speak for all glitter supporters and say that this will not stand!

Sue J said...

I see nothing wrong with keeping glitter out of the hands of those who would use it wantonly and irresponsibly (i.e., grownups).

Glitter doesn't hurt people, people do .... So I say yay for glitter restrictions! Once again, Hillary provides a common sense solution!

BAC said...

Which is exactly why we NEED Hillary as our next president! Go Hillary!