Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spinning that could make you dizzy

Is anyone besides me dizzy over the way campaign spokesperson David Wilhelm tried to spin what was clearly one of Obama's weaker moments?

Wilhelm said: "... among the strongest parts of his debate performance were on the areas related to national security ... you saw somebody grow, in front of all of our eyes, take real command ... I thought part of the strongest part of his debate performance was national security.

Were we watching the same debate? Foreign policy was clearly one of the weaker areas for Obama in this debate, but I guess the strategy is to SAY it was his strongest, and then let the MSM keep playing the clip over and over again - as Keith Olbermann didn't challenge him on this point.

It might have work except for the fact that Sen. Clinton's spokesperson, Lisa Caputo quickly responded by saying: "... I disagree slightly with my friend David Wilhelm, I think Hillary Clinton showed a far superior knowledge on foreign policy issues. Even Sen. Obama admitted he hasn't held an oversight committee hearing on the issue of Afghanistan. And it was Sen. Clinton who went into the long expose on the potential successor to Vladimir Putin."

Obama's campaign was clearly trying to do is turn a negative into a positive, and thank God Caputo was right there to set the record straight. Otherwise, a complicit media would let them GET AWAY WITH THIS.

In the next segment, Rev. Jesse Jackson was asked about the two candidates, and while he thought Obama did well on trade policy questions he said, "Hillary showed a mastery of foreign policy."

Now, back to the issue of Afghanistan. Wouldn't a logical follow up question be "why haven't you held a hearing?" Since Afghanistan seems to be imploding.

Taylor Marsh says this:

Finally. Somebody brings up the NATO committee Obama co-chairs, but hasn't called one single meeting. It was Clinton, not the moderators.

"It is true we haven't had oversight hearings," Obama admits. Somebody going to follow up on this one? No oversight, while Afghanistan is going to hell in a hand basket. Anyone? ... .. [...]

EXCUSE ME... Obama says he's too busy to conduct a hearing on his NATO sub-committee, but no follow up? Hello? Journalism anyone!!??
It's clear Obama is a quick learner, because he keeps parroting Clinton's talking points. But he couldn't quite pull off the ending. There was a desperate attempt to have the same touching moment in this debate that Hillary achieved in the last debate ... but he couldn't pull it off ... he fell on his face.

And finally, could Keith Olbermann be more of a cheerleader for Obama? Chris Matthews seems to have toned his down a bit, but it's hard for him to completely let go of his love. But Olbermann has clearly picked up the pom pom's.


Comrade Kevin said...

Spinabout is fair play, particularly for a candidate whose campaign manager believes essentially that "prosperity is just around the corner", in the words of Herbert Hoover.

BAC said...

You have a much better chance at prosperity with Sen. Clinton, than with McCain or Obama. It's really sad that Gen X isn't smart enough to see this.