Monday, March 03, 2008

Obama NAFTA-gate ... Busted!

Taylor Marsh has the story on this:

The video above is an example of the trouble Obama could be heading into. Getting caught in double speak, when the truth doesn't back you up. But there is a larger issue waiting out there for him tomorrow.

You hear it everywhere: Tuesday is Hillary Clinton's last stand. If she can't win Ohio and Texas, she's history.

True, mostly. But it's not the whole story. The rest goes like this: This is Barack Obama's third chance to knock her out. If he can't close the deal this time, maybe he can't close the deal, period.

Either the third time is the charm for him, or it could be strike three against him. Any result tomorrow that doesn't finish her off lets her argue that Democratic voters' love affair with Obama was just one of those flings. She'll say buyer's remorse has set in, and it's time to get serious about winning the White House.

Tuesday night might be Barack Obama's last chance to knock Hillary Clinton out


John J. said...

Actually, the memo you are talking about is a memo between two members of the Canadian Conservative party. The person who made the statements in question 1) was not on official business or speaking for the candidate and 2) did not say anything like what the Conservative administrator claims.

In fact, it was such a breach of international relations that the Canadian Parliament effectively apologized for the memo "leak".

BAC said...

Nice try at spin John .... ha