Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hillary Clinton on SNL


Fran said...

I just have to share this post with you.

You know I am not a huge Hillary person, nor am I am Obama person.

I just made a comment on another blog that I think she has lacked a certain agility - but that is another story for another day.

The whole Obama madness tends to put me off however. A lot.

Anyway, thought you'd like this post!

BAC said...

Not only is Hillary far and away the best candidate for the LGBT community, Obama refused to even has his picture taken with the mayor of San Francisco. He also took the stage with a homophobic bigot pastor. The only candidate the LGBT community can count on is Hillary Clinton.


Mauigirl said...

I knew about the pastor incident but didn't know he wouldn't have his picture taken with the mayor of S.F. That is disturbing, as gay/lesbian issues are important to me.

I enjoyed this video of Hillary as I didn't get a chance to see her live on SNL. If only she could have this amount of humor and grace all the time, she would not be losing.

I think her problem is she shifts from this persona to the "attack mode" and that turns people off. I'm not saying she has to be nicey-nice all the time but I think what Obama does is manage to project a consistent persona whether he is responding to an attack or making a speech. For all I know it's all fake, but he's very convincing at it and that's why he is doing so well.

Just some food for thought.

BAC said...

Yes, a consistent "empty suit" persona.


Sue J said...

Thanks for posting this -- I don't get to stay up for SNL much anymore!

And here she is, dancing backwards, in heels .... AGAIN!

In_Flight said...

I think this is a great spot she did. I hope it helps. She should have done this a long time ago.

By the way, thanks for stopping by. I'll be back.