Monday, March 03, 2008

Obama's Time Management Problem

It seems the Senator from Illinois can't seem to make the time to do his job. Obama admitted that he has not held a single hearing as Chair of the Committee that oversees the force fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. So how well would he do the job if he actually wins the nomination?

Foreign policy is a big issue, and the media bias against Sen. Clinton on this is staggering. In another post shamelessly stolen from Taylor Marsh, here is what she is saying:

It's been independently proven that there is indeed media bias against Clinton. But another media reality is a campaign killer, especially heading into the general election. So if the traditional media won't cover you fairly on foreign policy, you simply have to create your own narrative on national security. That's what Clinton and her team have done since Friday.

Walter H. Shorenstein has put out a memo on the media bias against Clinton (that I've seen and read), which is damning in its conclusive finality. But nothing registered more intensely with me than this one fact revealed within Shorenstein's memo:

Foreign Policy Bias Against Clinton

When it comes to foreign policy coverage--perhaps the most important issue in the coming general election--the media monitoring group, Media Tenor, found that there was not a single positive story about Hillary Clinton and foreign policy in the month of February.
How is the the first viable female running for commander in chief supposed to combat this type of coverage? You provide the narrative yourself, which is what the "3 O'clock" ad was about, but also the cascade of flag officers all giving testimonials for Clinton.

ABC covers Obama on readiness to be president, but get a load of this example from Senator Obama:

"Look, I've lived overseas," said Obama. "I have family overseas. I have served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."
"Lived overseas?" Did ABC challenge Obama on this "lived overseas" line? He was a prepubescent kid when he "lived overseas," so I'd really like to know what great bounty of knowledge he learned that makes it a resume bullet point for president. A woman with Obama's age and experience would be laughed out of the room for equating childhood doll playing years with being appropriate as presidential bona fides filler. But does Obama really want to bring up his committee assignments? He ducked out on his duty on the subcommittee on European Affairs that he chaired, not holding a single hearing. A woman pulling a political stunt like that would be laughed off the stage; not so with men.
(full story)


Sue J said...

I cannot even imagine what the media would have done if Clinton were co-chair of a committee like this and never held a hearing.

It's become increasingly obvious that Barack Obama has done nothing but run for President since he came to the Senate.

Yet the lovefest continues ....

Anonymous said...

Things may be shifting a bit.....



BAC said...

SueJ - you and I are on the same page on this one ... geezzz.

Infidel - I certainly hope those numbers hold true.


Comrade Kevin said...

If she wants to really make her point, she will release what it is she did for eight years of Bill.

Which she has refused to do, and if you want to solidify your argument based on experience, I'd say it's past time to pony up, or Obama is going to beat you over the head with it.

BAC said...

Okay, it's official ... you are not making any sense, comrade. And how violent is this nonsensical response anyway? And you claim to be a feminist? Shame on you.